Mission Statement
The Adults in Training team, a group of 19 girls, seeks to educate the members of our community in essential skills needed to be successful in adult life. We want to give individuals confidence as they transition into independence by hosting easily accessible workshops on the Culver City High School campus. We cover a range of topics such as: Financial Literacy, Cooking, Interviewing Skills, CPR, Healthy Lifestyles, and Time Management. These workshops are promoted through our social media and school announcements, as well, as posters we made around Culver City High School. Students and members of the community will be able to sign up. By providing a plethora of skills, we believe people will be able to make better decisions and possess better communication and leadership abilities to be successful. Our goal is for these learned skills to transcend past the school environment and encourage students to positively affect their community.
Impact Report

Final Budget


Our Adults in Training team held meetings every Monday for an hour, where we came up with ideas for workshops, or assigned new jobs. We held retreats throughout the year that were around 3-4 hours, where we all worked on the website or budgeting.

We had our team meet at Claribel's house to work on the website and video
Our team met every Monday for an hour and we will have retreats that will last three to four hours throughout the year. In total, we had 4 retreats. We separated responsibilities by putting each team member into different groups that revolve around their interest. We had an Ideas Group, Design Team, Website Committee, Social Media group, an a Budgeting Team. The Ideas group's job is to work on ideas for possible workshops we may offer to the students along with events that we can have that can involve the community. Design Team created the logo for this year and the many flyers for all the workshops we had. The Website Committee worked on the website throughout the year, adding images and weekly blogs. The Social Media group came up with ideas on how to spread the word on the workshops, along with what to post on our Instagram. The Budgeting Team worked with our Treasurer in keeping track with all the money we spend.
Looking back on our campaign, we should have collected statistics on paper earlier in our campaign. For example, we got the idea of taking surveys from our participants towards the end of our campaign, which resulted in us only having statistics present for two workshops. Along with this, we now know to hand out paper surveys to the participants rather than surveys online since students that attended the workshops rarely check their email, which resulted in us getting only 5 responses in the workshops that we sent virtual surveys to. It would have been best to have our campaign as a year long campaign rather than for only 3 months. By having the campaign to start in the beginning of the year, with offering workshops starting in October, this would have given students the opportunity to go to more workshops, and give us time to fit more different types of workshops. This would have given us more time to reach more towards the community as well. Despite on things we believe we should have done differently, we were surprised by the amount of enthusiasm and participation we got from the students. We had a bigger number of attendees at our workshops, at most having 85 students.
We believe all women can embrace who they are,
can define their future, and can change the world.
What is Adulting?
In recent years, the term "adulting" has been used to describe the activities a person does when they reach adulthood. Adulting includes the necessary life skills needed to be proficient in the world, they can be as simple as preparing your own cooked meal to filing your own taxes.

Why do students need our workshops?
We decided to incorporate workshops into our school community because it is essential for students to know the basic life skills needed after graduating high school. Many students often feel scared by the idea of growing up and becoming an adult for the first time, which is one of the reasons why we created and are hosting these different workshops. We want to provide students with learning opportunities in order to give them confidence and reassurance for living their life as an independent adult.